church profile brochure
Vision: What we long to see happen
For God’s glory, we desire to be a church who:
- exalts Christ wholeheartedly
- engages people graciously
- equips disciples biblically
- extends resources generously
mission: why we exist
To glorify God by growing in grace and giving our lives away on the mountain, in the city and around the world.
values: how our beliefs guide our behavior
- Primacy of the Gospel
- Necessity of Prayer
- Vitality of Worship
- Indispensability of the Church
- Centrality of Community
- Priority of Mission
Read about our Core Values.
identity: who we uniquely are
We are a large, parish resource church for the sake of God’s kingdom.
philosophy of ministry: how we accomplish the mission
- Warming our hearts together in Christ
- Spreading the light and warmth of Christ