
Vitality of worship is one of our core values at LMPC. We serve a great and holy God, and as his people, we delight in joining together in reverent and joyful worship on the first day of every week. Four worship services are held each Sunday morning:

  • 9:30 and 11:00 services in the sanctuary
  • 9:30 and 11:00 services in the fellowship hall

One 9:30 service is livestreamed each week. Sunday evening prayer service is held in the chapel at 6:00 p.m., and Sunday evening communion service on the third Sunday of each month in the sanctuary at 6:00 p.m.

The goal of every service is the same: we want to worship the Lord “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). We believe that we should worship God in accordance with the truths revealed in his Word and with our whole being—seeking to pray, praise, and listen to the preaching of God’s Word with the full attention of our minds and from the depths of our hearts. Each week our staff worship and music team works together to choose the liturgical elements and music for the sanctuary and fellowship hall services, often using the same liturgy in each service location. All six services utilize the poetically beautiful and doctrinally rich hymns of the historic church. With the exception of a few Sundays when a video of the pastor preaching in the sanctuary is shown in the fellowship hall, there is always a pastor assigned to preach at each service. On Sunday morning, the pastors preach on the same Scripture passage and follow the same sermon outline in every service location.

While the intentions behind each service are the same, the services do differ in style and “feel.” If you are coming to one of our services for the first time, here is what you can expect in each service location:

9:30 and 11:00 Sanctuary Services

  • These services are held in our historic sanctuary. Seating is in pews.
  • The pastors and worship leaders wear robes.
  • Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month by passing the elements while the congregation remains seated.
  • There is organ or piano accompaniment to hymns sung from both The Trinity Hymnal and other sources.
  • Other instrumentation can include strings and wind instruments.
  • The Chancel Choir or other ensembles sing almost every Sunday

9:30 and 11:00 fellowship hall services

  • These services are held in our fellowship hall (the space that is also used for meals and receptions). Seating is in individual chairs.
  • The pastors and worship leaders are in more informal attire, such as khakis with a button-down shirt.
  • Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month by having the congregation come forward to receive the elements. During communion, there are people available to pray with families and individuals in the fellowship hall lobby.
  • Traditional hymns may be set to newer tunes. More recently composed hymns are also sung.
  • The fellowship hall worship music is led by a combination of piano, strings, brass, woodwinds and guitar. The children’s choirs and girls’ ensemble sing occasionally, but otherwise there is not a choir.

6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer in the Chapel

  • This service is a time of intentional prayer, often using a prayer guide to unify our hearts and minds.
  • Some evenings feature reports from our LMPC-supported missionaries.
  • Attire is more casual.

6:00 p.m. Evening communion in the sanctuary

  • Third Sunday of the month only.
  • This service combines the beauty of the sanctuary with the instrumentation of the fellowship hall.
  • Our pastors preach through a series.
  • Attire is more casual.
  • We celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.

See who’s on our Worship & Music staff team.

See who assists in preparing for worship including the worship and communion committees.

See who’s on our Usher & Greeter Committee.